Category: eV

China Feb retail sales of passenger NEVs up 32.8% from Jan to 439,000 units, CPCA data show

In terms of retail sales, China's NEV penetration rate was 31.6 percent in February, up nearly 10 percentage points from a year ago and up from 25.7 percent in January.

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Charger Problem Solving in Oz

You still have to plan well and use charger problem solving skills when undertaking a long trip in Australia due to incomplete charging networks, as we have previously written about here and here. Arthur and Laurel Hunt recently made a return trip from Yeppoon in Central Queensland to southern Tasmania in their three-year old Tesla […]

Germany’s BEVs Up, PHEVs Down – Tesla Model Y 3x Rivals

Germany, Europe’s single largest auto market, saw plugin electric vehicles take 21.5% share of sales in February 2023, a drop from 24.9% year on year. Full electric share grew, but plugin hybrid share almost halved. Overall auto volume was 206,210 units, up by some 3% YoY, but still some 18% down from pre-2020 seasonal norms. […]