Category: eMobility

Summer Breakout in Northeast Greenland

Summer can be cruel to the planet’s remaining ice. Over the span of just days in July 2023, seasonal warmth led to the rapid disintegration of sea ice near the junction of two large outlet glaciers in northeast Greenland. The two glaciers—Storstrømmen and L. Bistrup Bræ—are visible in this image pair. Storstrømmen is the larger […]

Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit To Push More Vehicle Electrification, Infrastructure, Battery Development, & Policy Dialogue

The Philippines was thrust into using electric vehicles in the transportation sector primarily to cut pollution caused by the proliferation of two-stroke motorcycles. As early as 2012, the country had a mass transport electrification program sponsored by the Philippine government and the Asia Development Bank (ADB). The Philippines’ Department of Transportation (DoTr) estimates about 14,000 […]