Category: eV

Will The Retrofit EV Conversion Industry All End In Tears?

From Ewan McGregor to Harry & Meghan, classic cars converted to electric are becoming all the rage. And why not? So many vintage vehicles are beautiful but unreliable. Remove a smelly, expensive engine and replace it with a smooth electric motor and battery pack. You give the car another 50 years of life, what’s not […]

Sweden – Tesla Model Y Takes Over 10% Of Entire Auto Market!

Sweden’s plugin electric vehicles took almost 60% of the auto market in March, up from 55.6% year on year. BEVs alone took 41.6% of the market, up from 31.8% YoY. Overall auto market volume was 30,261 units, up some 5% YoY, though still below historical seasonal norms. The Tesla Model Y was the overall best […]