Category: eV

Volvo plans small EX30 electric SUV for US, reveal June 7

Teaser for Volvo EX30 debuting on June 7, 2023Volvo has teased the design of a new smaller electric SUV that it confirmed on Tuesday will be U.S.-bound. The compact model, to be called EX30, will be revealed on June 7 and will be available that same day for U.S. reservations, Volvo said. The EX30 badge, which was previously confirmed as on the way, follows Volvo’s new naming structure...

The EV Battery Supply Chain Explained

Introduction What are the problems in the EV battery supply chain and how can we improve it? The transportation sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the US economy, and about half its emissions come from light-duty vehicles alone. To avoid the disastrous effects of a 1.5°C increase in global temperatures, we will […]

World BEV Sales Now 12% Of World Auto Sales

Global plugin vehicle registrations were up 28% in March 2023 compared to March 2022. There were 1,097,000 registrations, making it the second best month ever for plugin electric vehicles, only behind December 2022. In the end, plugins represented 16% share of the overall auto market (12% BEV share alone). This means that the global automotive […]