Category: Electric

Technological Revolutions: Part II — Have Electric Vehicle Sales Reached the Tipping Point?

For Part I of this short series, covering the early evolution and adoption of cars, planes, calculator, computers, TVs, the Internet, and more, see “Technological Revolutions: Part I.” Gasmobile vs. Electric Vehicle Technology As a former NASA scientist with an engineering background, I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to observe that electric vehicles […]

Elon Musk Cites “Obsessive Curiosity” as Most Important Daily Habit

Recently, the G20 Summit took place in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. Nadiem Makarim, the Indonesian Minister of Education, openly voiced the critical importance of education. And, as part of the summit, Makarim got the opportunity to discuss education with Tesla CEO Elon Musk via video call. Source: KEMENDIKBUD RI As reported in Vatican News, “Musk stressed […]