Category: Electric

The Latest on Vanadium Batteries: Join Us for a Live Conversation!

You’ve heard the hype around vanadium batteries, so who wants to learn more about them? We sure do! CleanTechnica’s CEO, Zachary Shahan, will sit down with StorEn Technologies’ CEO, John Davis, on February 23 to discuss all things vanadium!  Here’s the registration link: We at CleanTechnica know that clean technology advances quickly, so one […]

EV Battery News From CATL, Toyocolor, & Toyo Ink

If there’s EV battery production news, there’s a good chance it’s about CATL, the largest EV battery producer in the world. In today’s case, the CATL news is not actually from CATL, but rather a CATL supplier namedropping the Chinese battery giant to brag a bit. The news is that CATL will be using Toyocolor’s […]

Voltari Electric Performance Boat Travels 91 Miles On A Single Charge

Canada-based Voltari announced in January that its VOLTARI 260 traveled 91 miles from Florida to the Bahamas on a single charge. The trip was the longest overseas journey completed by an all-electric performance boat. If you don’t know anything about the VOLTARI 260, here are the technical specifications: Length: 26 feet Weight: 7000 lb Draft: […]