Category: Electric

Great Wall ORA Test Drive

Although Great Wall Motor has marketed a whole litter of “Cats” in China (Good, Black, White, and IQ), Australia is only receiving one version. It will be marketed as the GWM ORA. I hope that the other versions will make it here eventually. In the meantime, we went for a Great Wall ORA test drive! […]

NIO Unleashes Another Wonderful, Beautiful Electric Car

I’m not going to lie — if NIO sold cars in the USA, at least one of its models would be on my shortlist. The latest drool-worthy electric model it’s brought to market (not in the US) is the ET5 Touring. The company claims this is the “first smart electric tourer.” The ET5 Tourer’s older […]

USA Needs To Protect Its Farmworkers From “Danger Season”

Farmworkers face many hazards while performing the labor that props up the $1.264 trillion US food and farm economy, yet a new analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found that federal agencies focused on agriculture and health invested an average of only $16.2 million dollars per year in farmworker health research projects between […]

You Can Now View All 9 Tesla Camera Feeds (Well, Some Of You)

There have been several times, if not many times, that I’ve wanted to see what my Tesla Model 3’s cameras see. The car has 9 cameras — 8 external and one internal. I’ve wanted to view different camera feeds for various purposes, but the reason I’ve probably been most interested in seeing what my car’s […]