Category: eV

EU gives guarded welcome to U.S. guidance on EV tax credits

The European Commission gave a guarded welcome on Thursday to guidance by the United States meaning that EU companies could partially benefit from the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, but said further improvements were required. The $430 billion green subsidy law, which grants tax credits for buying U.S.-produced electric vehicles (EVs) and other green products, has triggered fears it could make the United States a world leader in the EV market at the expense of European countries. The Commission, which coordinates trade policy for the 27-nation European Union, said the U.S. guidance, published on Thursday, showed EU producers could benefit from tax credits for sales to commercial operators, but their vehicles would not be eligible for such credits when sold to private consumers.

The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation is Getting 22 Electric Buses!

The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation operates a fleet of about 250 buses of different types. They have 28-, 38-, and 52-seater buses. Most of them are made by TATA Motors from India. The Seychelles Nation newspaper reports that the Seychelles Public Transport Corporation’s (SPTC) fleet replacement policy stipulates that buses can only be kept in […]

Waste Heat From Data Centers Can Bolster District Heat Systems

Globally, data centers are estimated to account for 1 to 2% of electricity usage. The percentage is higher in Europe, where data centers there consumed 104 TWh of electricity in 2020 — about 3% of all the electricity consumed within the EU. Those data centers create a lot of waste heat. Some of it could […]

Gas, Gas, Baby — Gas Crises In Australia

It is hard to choose the right metaphor. Has the Australian gas industry shot itself in the foot, painted itself into a corner, or is it just throwing a hissy fit? Maybe it has just lost the plot? Perhaps breathing too much of its own product? Gas, gas baby! Recent Australian government legislation has capped […]