Category: eV

China’s Investment in Energy in Ecuador

In November of 2016, the previously defined “strategic association” between China and Ecuador was upgraded to an “integral strategic partnership” representing the highest level relationship China has with any country.¹ Especially during the presidency of Rafael Correa, the public sector has primarily worked with Chinese banks and construction companies to build up the hydroelectric sector, […]

Is Toyota Circling The Drain? Will It Take Japan With It?

Paul Wildman with David Waterworth. (Certification chatGTP was not used in the writing of this article.) Recent conservations with my mate, retired economics professor Dr Paul Wildman, have led to this article. The entire Japanese auto industry, and especially Toyota, appears to be in denial about the global ascendency of electric drivetrains. To EV or […]

Electric Vehicle Towing in the Lands Down Under

According to our illustrious former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, electric vehicles can’t tow. “It won’t tow your boat. It won’t tow your trailer. EVs will ruin the Aussie weekend!” Like all FUD, there was some truth in it. Back in 2019, there weren’t many EVs around that could tow a caravan. Probably just the Tesla […]

France Plugin EV Share Up YoY – Dacia Spring Takes Top Spot

France’s auto market saw plugin electric vehicles (EVs) take 22.3% share of new sales in January, up from 17.6% year on year. Full electrics saw stronger growth than plugin hybrids. Overall auto volumes were 111,939 units, some 9% higher YoY, but still well below pre-2020 seasonal norms. January’s best selling full electric was the Dacia […]