Category: eV

Fortum Battery Recycling Opens Europe’s Largest Closed-Loop Hydromet­al­lur­gical Battery Recycling Facility In Finland

Fortum Battery Recycling has begun commercial operations at its hydrometallurgical battery material recycling facility in Harjavalta, Finland. The recently built facility is the first hydrometallurgical recycling commercial-scale facility in Europe and the largest recycling plant in Europe in terms of recycling capacity. The new large-scale plant will significantly ease the rising demand for sustainable battery […]

Mercedes-Geely JV Smart delivered 4,390 #1 SUVs in April, ending six months of growth

From the press release: Geely is resposnible for the manufacturing and tech ... Mercedes designed a virtual assistant, Cheetah, and created to it 40 action images and 6 exclusive action images.

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