Category: eV

Load-Shedding In South Africa Is Slowing Down The Auto Industry

South Africa is going trough its worst ever period of load-shedding, and it seems to be getting worse. We are only in the first week of February 2023 and already 2023 has seen more load-shedding than the whole of 2019. There has been more load-shedding in one month (January 2023 — 29 days of load-shedding) […]

DIY MG ZS EV Mod Provides Superb Regen Braking & More

Yesterday, I was invited back to the cluttered but always exciting electronics and engineering workshop of Francisco Shi. He unveiled his breakthrough saying: “If Elon Musk tried this modified MG ZS EV, he would tell his minions to go and modify the Tesla. An all-wheel-drive Tesla and a track with this technology would be amazing!” […]

You Are Thinking That Your Next Car Might Be An EV, But … ?

A big portion of new car buyers are now buying fully electric cars. But more are buying non-electric cars. If you’ve been in the bigger, latter group, what’s keeping you from an EV as your next car? Here are some common responses: I would expect to have range anxiety. (Where will I refuel? How long […]