Category: eV

Why Do States Have So Many EV Charging Failures?

It’s a holiday long weekend. You’ve decided to take an EV roadtrip to a couple of New England summer tourist spots. You review your PlugShare app and identify chargers along the route. You pack up the vehicle and hit the highway. After nearing 200 miles of used range, you pull into a rest area on […]

Offshore Wind Industry Readies Self For Seaweed Revolution

The offshore wind industry is opening up new opportunities for solar panels, wave energy harvesters, and green hydrogen to piggyback on the operation. Seaweed farming is also beginning to make an appearance in amongst the wind turbines. Considering the rising interest in using seaweed for everything from food and fuel to plastics and pharmaceuticals, this […]

Rivian acquires A Better Routeplanner

2023 Rivian R1TRivian on Wednesday announced its acquisition of Swedish mapping company Iternio, the developer of the EV trip-planning app A Better Routeplanner. The app, which allows EV drivers to plan routes incorporating charging stops, will be maintained as a standalone feature for drivers of all EVs, but its core features will be integrated with Rivian's...