Category: eMobility

Qmerit Had A Great 2022 & Says It Is Aiming For An Even Better 2023

In a recent press release from Qmerit, the company that (among other things) facilitates things like charging station installs, announced that it had a pretty good 2022. For those unfamiliar, my biggest experience with the company was having my EV charging station installed after buying my Bolt EUV. GM promises to pay for your installation […]

Sandy Munro On Which Automakers Are Getting It Right Besides Tesla

In another piece highlighting some comments Sandy Munro made in an extended Q&A session at TeslaCon Florida, this one includes a few videos about the EV transition, big legacy automakers he believes in and ones he doesn’t, and even short commentary on the large potential customer Sandy decided to turn down. In the first video […]

Torklift Stealth EcoHitch For Chevrolet Bolt EUV

Rightsizing your vehicle to daily needs makes a lot of sense. If you’re driving a big truck around every day to work, and nobody else or their belongings ride with you, you’re throwing money away day in and day out. So, it makes sense to move to something that actually makes sense on a daily […]