Category: eMobility

NIO ES8 Review

I wrote a long article about NIO in the summer 2022. I had visited NIO and the NIO House in Oslo in the spring. While most of the visit was a conference about NIO, the next day we did have the opportunity to drive and use the battery swap station outside of Oslo. It was […]

The Transformative Power Of Drones Has Only Just Begun

Drones are changing the ground under our feet. Their game-changing use in warfare has been highlighted by Russia’s murderous invasion of Ukraine, but they are also accelerating the clean energy landscape in new and impactful ways. For some insights into both areas, CleanTechnica recently spoke with Cameron Chell, CEO and President of the US company […]

Bingo! The SAIC-GM-Wuling Joint Venture Gets It

To catalyze the adoption of more sustainable transport options in the automobile sector, we need more affordable cars. We are finally starting to see more of them, especially from China. However, these vehicles are still mainly available only in China. But just like the solar panel and mobile phone revolution, these small affordable vehicles will […]

EV Technician Training Program Hits The Road In 2023

Obviously, EVs use electricity to power their engines, while gas-powered vehicles use gasoline. EVs are usually more efficient and produce fewer emissions than gas-powered cars, so they’re an important part of the solution for urban pollution and climate change. While they superficially resemble ICE vehicles, they can be very different under the sheet metal. Instead […]