Category: eMobility

NASA’s Satellites Help With Turkey, Syria Earthquake Response

“It’s difficult to watch this tragedy unfold, especially since we’ve known for a long time that the buildings in the region were not designed to withstand earthquakes,” said USGS scientist David Wald. “An earthquake this size has the potential to be damaging anywhere in the world, but many structures in this region are particularly vulnerable.”

Charging 145 Electric School Buses

Electric school buses are quickly growing in volume in the USA, and are being supported by funding from Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). They are a logical avenue for cleantech investment, not only cutting global warming pollution but also cutting pollution that gives children asthma, cancer, and more. Some have found that […]

Perovskite-Based Thermochromic Windows Reduce Energy Load & Carbon Emission in Buildings

NREL Calculates and Fabricates Perovskite-Based Technology With Ideal Transition Temperatures for Building Energy Savings The use of thermochromic windows in office buildings improves energy efficiency across all climate zones in the United States by modulating the temperature inside, leading to a massive savings, according to a research effort led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s […]

Electric Buses & Boda Bodas

Afrik 21 is a rich source of news about African EV uptake and the progress of renewable energy in the many countries of Africa. Writer Benoit-Ivan Wansi has filed the articles below. I have also contacted some of the companies below for photos and additional comments. I encourage you to subscribe to the Afrik 21 […]

Tesla Stock Could Hit $1,500 A Share By 2030, Says Ron Baron

Tesla’s shares have been heading upward in recent weeks, and one analyst thinks the stock still has a lot of room for growth. On the heels of increased demand from Tesla’s recent price cuts, some are looking toward the stock’s upside for future years, especially as more consumers consider buying electric. Video: Ron Baron on […]