Category: eMobility

Drought Study Finds Climate Change Responsible, Irrefutable Research

Warming Makes Droughts, Extreme Wet Events More Frequent, Intense Scientists have predicted that droughts and floods will become more frequent and severe as our planet warms and climate changes, but detecting this on regional and continental scales has proven difficult. Now a new NASA-led study (new study published in Nature Water), confirms that major droughts […]

What Are Atmospheric Rivers?

This weekend, California has been experiencing widespread flooding. The heavy rain was caused by another of the many atmospheric river events that have occurred this winter.

South Africa’s uYilo e-Mobility Program Is Celebrating 10 Years Of Promoting Electric Mobility

South Africa’s uYilo e-mobility program is a multi-stakeholder, collaborative program focused on enabling, facilitating, and mobilizing electric mobility in South Africa. This March, uYilo e-Mobility Programme is celebrating a decade of enabling and facilitating the ecosystem for electric mobility in South Africa. The program was established in March 2013 as an initiative of the Technology […]

American Lung Assoc. Supports NY Gas Stove Ban

Last week, the American Lung Association penned an open memo in support of the All-Electric Building Act (S.562-A/A.920-A). In it, the Association urges the New York state senate and assembly to include the bill in their new One House budget proposals. The proposal, which seeks to effectively ban gas-powered appliances in residential units, could have […]

A Diverse Approach Is Key To Carbon Removal

Restoring forests marks one of six approaches PNNL researchers are exploring as they seek to understand which carbon dioxide removal methods can limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels by the end of the century.