Category: eMobility

Still Enormous Coal Use & Growth In China & India

The World Coal Association recently published a chart on Linkedin showing very graphically how China’s coal consumption dominates the world’s CO2 emissions targets. It is not only China but also India and other emerging economies that are heavily reliant on coal for energy, leading some to ask the question: Do Western economies have any control […]

What Are Heat Pump Air Conditioners?

The world recently experienced its hottest month on record. And with climate change fueling increasingly routine heat waves across the map, leaving a worrisome trail of health emergencies and deaths, keeping cool is a matter of health and safety like never before. Shoppers considering buying a new air conditioner—whether that’s a window unit, central air, […]

What’s The Most Energy-Efficient Water Heater?

The new generation of eco-friendly heat pump water heaters will reduce your home’s emissions while also shrinking your utility bills. Of all the appliances that compete for a homeowner’s attention, from vacuum cleaner robots to video-enabled door locks that double as security guards, the standard 50-gallon water heater is the most likely to be ignored. […]