Category: Electric

U.S. Solar Panel Shipments Set Record High in 2022

In 2022, solar photovoltaic panel shipments in the United States increased 10% from 2021, setting another annual record (31.7 million peak kilowatts [kWp]), based on our latest published data. U.S. solar panel shipments have been growing as solar capacity continues to rise. U.S. solar panel shipments closely track domestic solar capacity additions; the difference between the […]

U.S. Gas Prices Rising Going Into Labor Day

On the Monday before the Labor Day weekend, August 28, 2023, the retail price of regular gasoline averaged $3.81 per gallon (gal) across the United States. Over the past five weeks, oil production cuts by Saudi Arabia, low U.S. gasoline inventories, and announced refinery maintenance in the Northeast have increased the regular gasoline retail price […]