Ford F-150 Lightning Prices Increase Again Electric / eMobility / eV April 1, 2023 The company is reopening order banks for the next wave of reservation holders.
2023 Tesla Model Y: Same EPA Range, Now Cheaper Than Ever Electric / eMobility / eV March 31, 2023 The best-selling electric crossover/SUV is about a quarter less expensive than a year ago.
Tesla Warns That $7,500 Tax Credit For Model 3 RWD Will Be Reduced Electric / eMobility / eV March 30, 2023 $3,750 is still on the table, but we have to wait for the federal guidance.
Tesla Warns That $7,500 Tax Credit For Model 3 RWD Will Be Reduced Electric / eMobility / eV March 30, 2023 $3,750 is still on the table, but we have to wait for the federal guidance.
2023 Tesla Model X: Same EPA Range, But Tremendously Cheaper Electric / eMobility / eV March 30, 2023 The Plaid version is now less expensive by roughly $30,000 than it was a year ago.
2023 Tesla Model S: Plaid Acceleration Become Less Expensive Electric / eMobility / eV March 29, 2023 EPA range remains the same as in the 2022 model year version.
2023 Tesla Model 3: Same EPA Range, Much Improved Affordability Electric / eMobility / eV March 28, 2023 The effective starting price of the Tesla Model 3 is around $37,000, but for how long?
Global Passenger xEV Battery Market In 2022: 488.3 GWh (Up 70%) Electric / eMobility / eV March 28, 2023 Three battery manufacturers dominated the market: CATL, LGES and BYD.
Independent Test Lab Verified Amprius’ 500 Wh/kg Battery Cell Electric / eMobility / eV March 28, 2023 It stores twice the energy of a comparable, commercially available lithium-ion cell.
Independent Test Lab Verified Amprius’ 500 Wh/kg Battery Cell Electric / eMobility / eV March 28, 2023 It stores twice the energy of a comparable, commercially available lithium-ion cell.