Author: CleanTechnica

Mercury Marine Unveils Its First Electric Outboard Boat Motor

Normally, when we talk about electric vehicles, we think of something with wheels. Cars, mini-cars, e-bikes, scooters, and other such things are where most of the action is at. Sometimes we even talk about aviation, where electrification is only beginning its journey toward being mainstream (and there are some significant hurdles between here and there). […]

NIO CEO: Chinese Auto Market Should Brighten Up In March Or April

China has been struggling a bit in recent months with COVID-19 lockdowns, then COVID-19 outbreaks, and of course with a variety of economic slowdowns and supply chain disruptions due to both of those. Pick your automaker and you can see signs of the struggles in lower than expected sales, price cuts, etc. (Just don’t pick […]

New Zealand Achieves 30% Plugin Vehicle Penetration

Back in August, CleanTechnica broke the news that New Zealand (a tiny nation in the Pacific) had reached a penetration rate of 12% vehicle sales being plugin vehicles. Now, New Zealand has bumped that up to 30%! Much of the reaction in August was centred around one-off factors, and many felt that this was a […]

Aussie Miners Consider the Renewable Option

Aussie miners are considered the most efficient and well governed companies in the world. It is only natural, then, that they consider the use of renewable energy as the sector heads towards net-zero emissions. Mines require massive amounts of power 24/7, and so hybrid options including wind, solar, hydro, and batteries are the best option. […]

France’s EVs Take Record Quarter Share Of Market

December saw France’s plugin electric vehicles grow to take 25.0% share of the auto market, up fractionally from 24.4% a year ago. Full electrics grew at a decent rate, but plugin hybrids fell. Overall auto volumes for the month were flat year on year, but full year 2022 volumes were down almost 8% on 2021. […]

Ukraine Gets Support From CleanTechnica — How About Some More?

Ukraine, despite some hardcore propaganda to the contrary, is still in need of our support. How that is turning into a political splitting point is truly surprising to me, even after all we’ve been through in the US since 2015 (or 2008). But it shows how effective Putin’s and his allies’ low-cost information warfare has […]