Author: CleanTechnica

Doomsday Clock Set At 90 Seconds To Midnight

This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.

Blink & ChargePoint Take New Approaches To Charging

Sometimes, it seems like EV charging is becoming pretty standardized. Sure, there are differences in things like what charging connector is used or who owns the station, but the general idea is that you pay for everything at your house while everything away from home is run by somebody else. Also, rapid chargers generally all […]

What’s A Virtual Power Plant?

Virtual power plants may be our most important and most overlooked domestic energy resource. Last summer, California’s record-breaking, grid-straining heat wave forced the state government to send text messages asking residents for emergency, voluntary energy conservation. And it worked. Energy demand dropped; blackouts were avoided. California’s successful response illustrates how devices in our homes and […]

Elon Musk: Let’s Not Overhype Tesla Cybertruck Start Of Production

On Tesla’s Q4 2022 and full-year 2022 conference call for shareholders (still occurring as I’m typing this), we received updates on Tesla Cybertruck production and overall Tesla production capacity. Tesla Cybertruck Production Timeline On today’s Tesla conference call for shareholders, there was a question about whether start of Cybertruck production is still slated for mid-2023. […]

With Concrete, Less Is More

Demand Changes Can Drive The Future Of Zero-Carbon Concrete As world leaders convene at the World Economic Forum’s annual conference in Davos to discuss global issues including climate change, they will spend the day surrounded by concrete. Houses, skyscrapers, roads, freeways, bridges, sidewalks, water systems, dams, and more rely on concrete for its unrivaled strength […]