Author: CleanTechnica

Guiding Principles For EV Battery Recycling Policy

Electrifying our transportation system is essential for mitigating emissions that cause climate change and adverse health impacts. This electrification will require a lot more batteries and therefore a lot more minerals. Recovering these materials from retired electric vehicle (EV) batteries is an alternative source to mining. Essentially, the materials recovered through battery recycling can replace […]

Nissan Tiptoes Into The Electric Car Future

Nissan announced its latest electric car ambitions this week in what must qualify as one of the weakest press releases in recent memory. It’s a perfect example of namby-pamby corporate newspeak that strives to make the inconsequential seem relevant. “Through Nissan Ambition 2030, its long-term vision announced in 2021, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. aims to […]

How To Achieve A Gigaton-Scale Carbon Removal Market

An interview with Hannes Junginger, CEO of Carbonfuture, on how to achieve a gigaton-scale carbon removal market Can you give a simple explanation of the Carbonfuture platform and who it is designed for? We provide carbon removal you can trust. The value of the carbon market is bottlenecked by verification. How can you assure that […]

DIMO Founder Andy Chatham On Data-Driven Cars & More

Tesla’s cars are just as much pieces of technology as they are vehicles, and the automaker’s ecosystem has begun to help consumers see the value of data in modern mobility. Recently, EVANNEX got the chance to speak with Andy Chatham, founder of the open-source connected car app DIMO, about what role data can play in […]

A Conversation on the Latest and Greatest on Vanadium Batteries (Video)

And the audience goes wild! Last week CleanTechnica’s CEO Zachary Shahan hosted StorEn Technologies’ CEO John Davis for a live conversation about vanadium batteries and our audience was into it! We love seeing folks get excited about clean technology because, obviously, we do, too. Here’s the recorded conversation with John Davis: Clean technology advances […]