Now that electric vehicles are becoming mainstream, it would seem that barriers to ownership for all interested people would be lifted. However, females continue to buy fewer EVs than males. Why is that?
The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill of 2022, provides funding to states for the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The program requires that EV charging stations must be non-proprietary, allow for open-access payment methods, and be publicly available. Additionally, the program sets minimum standards and requirements […]
South Africa’s Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is looking into augmenting its energy supplies with distributed renewable energy systems at selected water works and associated infrastructure around the country. These projects will be for a 20-year operational period under a Design-Build-Finance and Operate (DBFO) framework. The Department of Water and Sanitation says, “South Africa […]
Last year, Blink Charging, a company well known in the United States (for better or worse), bought EB Charging, a company doing the same thing in the UK and Ireland. Now, they’re bringing the companies closer together with an integration and rebranding. As a result of its rebrand, Blink now has a highly visible presence […]
Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project will be leading online training events open to the public to pull the curtain away from the nuances of the IRA, beginning in April.
Electric vehicles tend to struggle in the cold. It’s one of the most challenging environments for them. One of the primary reasons is that electric vehicles (EVs) rely on chemical reactions in their batteries to generate electricity. These chemical reactions are slowed down in colder temperatures, which reduces the amount of energy that can be […]
The signing of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 created a wide range of home electrification incentives in addition to increasing the solar and battery tax credit to 30%. See how these incentives work, how much they’re worth, and which home upgrades they apply to.
France saw record high plugin electric vehicle share in March, at 25.4%, up from 21.4% year on year. BEVs alone took 16.8% share, a new record. Overall auto volumes were 182,712 units, up some 24% year on year, though still well off the pre-2020 seasonal average (~230,000 units). The Tesla Model Y was the best […]