Vineyard Wind 1 Installs First 853-Foot-Tall GE Haliade-X Wind Turbines Electric / eMobility / eV November 12, 2023 Vineyard Wind has installed the first of it iGE Haliade-X Wind Turbine Generators in an offshore project off Massachusetts.
With Smart Policy, Truck Electrification Is Within Reach Electric / eMobility / eV November 12, 2023 Advanced Clean Trucks regulation shows that 60 percent of medium-duty trucks and 43 of heavy-duty trucks are electrifiable today.
Automakers Opt Out Of Cleaning Up Their Vehicles … But At What Cost? Electric / eMobility / eV November 12, 2023 new fuel economy standards that, together with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) greenhouse gas emissions standards,
Tesla Cybertruck Close-Up Video. This One Looks Almost Perfect Electric / eMobility / eV November 12, 2023 Tesla showcased its electric truck during the Annual Baron Conference in New York City.